Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hair Bows

So I have been looking at and seeing these adorable hair bows that look like disney princesses. I fell in love with them and decided to try and make them well they are actually easier than I thought. lol I have just been playing around with them and Juliana and I LOVE THEM... man I wish I was a little girl again cause I wish I could have had these for my hair... well I never had enough hair as a little kid to even have such fun prettys lol...oh well so sad but whatever. lol. Well here are the ones i have made so far.
Sleeping Beauty in PINK!!!

Little Mermaid


Rapunzel or Tangled depending on which child you are talking to.

Pink Minnie Mouse

Red-White-&-Blue Minnie Mouse

Purple and Brown Minnie Mouse
Juliana says this is her Favorite lol

Purlpe Minnie Mouse in Juliana's LONG hair
Juliana said she wanted ALL of them in her hair lol.

Purple Minnie Mouse


Rebekah said...

CUTE!! If you find you don't know what to do with them, I have a girlie girl who would LOVE them! I guess I'll have to check out the website and make some of my own.

Chelsea said...

SO CUTE!!! How do you make those? I am not crafty at all, but I could follow instructions!

shalenet said...

they are SUPER easy i didnt get a chance to make any today lol I was making a holder for them actually but I promise to take more pictures of like a step by step kinda thing.

juels said...

LOVE these!!! Good job!

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