lol yeah we made home-made play dough a few nights ago, and today was the day we decided to really play with it. While we played we listened to Disney Music. Blake and Jewls LOVED that!!! At one point Juliana turned to me and asked "Is that Marry Poppins?" Well at the time we had been listening to Do Re Me from Sound of Music, what a smart 3 year old. I had to stop and think about what she had said, cause I just hadn't been expecting it. Next we listened to Haljuah from Shrek and before I knew it Blake was singing the chorus like in perfect harmony it was crazy!!! lol well it ended up that we danced around the kitchen. Somehow ring around the Rosy and dancing is the same to a 4 year old lol. Ooo and today I guess I didn't get dressed, I seriously was going to but than the more I thought about it the more I wasn't sure I wanted to. But to top it off I asked Jewls if I should go get dressed and she said, "Maybe.... NO," I said, "but jewls," and she turns around with, "You are dressed Shalene." What could I say to that... its the same argument I used as a kid when I didn't want to get dressed. What is worse is I asked Blake a while later and he turned and said almost the same thing word for word, and he hadn't been around when I asked Jewls. So after getting the same answer to my question from 2 different kids I decided oh well...comfort clothes for me today. :-)
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